Interdisciplinary Care
Would one ever see a physician that “does everything” - heart surgery, colonoscopies, and cancer treatment. Similar to the medical care that you receive, interdisciplinary care in dentistry is involving dental specialists to provide the dental care for you when necessary. We recognize that patients receive the best treatment when they are seeing the most qualified individual to complete their care; sometimes this is with the general dentist and other times the patient is far better served seeing a specialist. There is a prevailing misconception in dentistry held by some that patients are better served seeing one dentist that “does everything” - this unfortunately is not the case. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if a dentist needs speciality care for himself ie root canal treatment, orthodontics, implant surgery that they will be seeing a specialist. We feel all patients should be afforded this same level of care. Your general dentist is still the most important member of your dental team to collaboratively work up a feasible plan with you and coordinate any specialty care on your behalf.